Bir-Billing-BHATTU Links
General Information on the Bir/Billing Area
The Bir Portal
The best source of general information on Bir, including accommodation, dining, history, and moreThe McLeodGanj Weather Geek
Local weather forecasts for the Dharamshala area, which usually apply fairly well to Bir.
Local Organisations & Institutions
(Just the ones that have websites, of course)
One of the main attractions for students of meditation and the wisdom traditions of India
Centre for Sustainable and Compassionate Livng
Monastic seat of Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche (in nearby Bhattu)
Accommodations in the Area
Hotels and guest houses (again, just the ones with websites, naturally)
Bir Beds (from the Bir Portal)
For a complete list of accommodation options in the Bir area, see the Bir Portal's 'Bir Beds' page.
A five-story compound at Sherab Ling Monastery that has modern, spartan rooms with good facilities and a restaurant and shop.