This immersive residential course is a rare opportunity to conduct a deep and transformative exploration of natural design, the power of space and form, the creative process, and our relationship with these.
This course can be taken as a stand-alone workshop or as a design and architecture module within our ongoing Building a Better World programme.
Dates: WORK-IN-PROGRESS NOTE At this early stage, some of the details for the 2025 Natural Design & Contemplative Architecture program are still being finalised. Meanwhile, some of the details below are carried over from last year’s Natural Design & Contemplative Architecture program and still need to be revised for 2025. The information here will already give you a pretty close approximation of the 2025 program, but just be aware that some of it may change.
Please, register your interest below so we can reach out to you when applications open later this year.
Module 1 (Foundations) runs 24 November 2025 through 7th February 2026, with possibility of staying longer.
Duration: Ten weeks. (Note: This is the first module in an ongoing series, so there is the possibility of continuing after the conclusion of this ten-week module.)
Location: Dharmalaya Institute, Bir, India (with the possibility to undertake future modules at Dharmalaya Institute and/or at Earthville Institute in the USA, as well as periodic online courses)
Course type: Hybrid immersive residential with some elements online
Modular structure: While this course is designed to be whole and complete unto itself, it also serves as the first module in the Natural Design and Contemplative Architecture thread of our Building a Better World course.
Cost: Sliding scale (see course info page for details)
Prerequisites: None for this first module. It is possible that there may be prerequisites for later modules (such as completion of prior modules).
Building a Better World? Yes, this programme qualifies as a module within the Building a Better World course and earns credit toward the completion of that course.
Course synopsis
This foundational course introduces core ideas, materials and methods for a holistic, compassionate and contemplative approach to design and architecture. Participants will journey through a rich tapestry of interwoven theory and practice, facilitating the union of ‘head, heart and hand’. We will explore nature’s design principles and meet some of the materials and techniques of natural building, all while immersed in a rich and nourishing community built on these very principles and values. (‘Learn it by living it.’)
The introductory workshop will lead us through the creation of a life-affirming space — from conceptual explorations to design drawings, providing a taste of each stage of the process. Hands-on learning of natural building materials and methods will be enriched by a syllabus structured to support the interdisciplinary breadth of the course, exploring nature’s geometry, design principles, a contemplative approach to the creative process, and one’s growth as a designer, as a builder, and as a caring and empowered human.
Nourished by a daily meditation programme, this is a holistic and embodied course that seeks to engage the whole of us in the exploration of nature in space and form.
Who is this course for?
Anyone with a deep interest in the arts and craft of nature-inspired design and working with the life-affirming power of space, whether or not you have formal training in design or architecture or design or other relevant prior experience.
What we’ll be learning
Hands-on experiential learning will include:
Cultivating our innate sensitivity through observation of nature and her patterns, and examining the power of space and form from that contemplative space
Working with the earth, e.g. making mud mixes, adobe bricks, etc.
Working with wood and bamboo
Maintaining and documenting existing structures (and thereby understanding them better)
The above hands-on sessions will be guided by our experienced village artisans and other seasoned members of the Dharmalaya community.
Conceptual and philosophical explorations will include:
Contemplating the qualities that make a space feel natural, harmonious, and life-affirming
Exploring the elements that comprise a meaningfully nature-inspired design language
Introduction to key sustainability principles, e.g. place-based design, local materials, passive design, permaculture, voluntary simplicity, closed-loop systems, etc.
Weekly studies of nature’s geometry, as expressed in nature and in the art of wisdom traditions
Weekly reading materials providing insight and inspiration in key topical areas
Weekly group discussion calls to unpack and explore all of the above and address questions
Most of the conceptual/instructional sessions above will be presented by Dharmalaya’s senior architecture and design faculty (Daphne Charles and Mark Moore) remotely via Zoom and our online learning platform. Certain sessions may be facilitated by others as well (in-person and/or online).
In general, the intention is that most of these conceptual explorations would be followed up with experiential activities to help integrate and apply the learning. Some of the experiential follow-up sessions will be facilitated by members of the Dharmalaya team, while others will be self-directed.
Bringing theory and practice together
This first module will culminate in a simple design exercise where participants will apply their understanding of the principles explored in the course (e.g. place-based design, natural building and passive solar techniques, etc.) toward designing a space-efficient (compact) yet comfortable, inviting and functional home or studio space for themselves. Daphne and Mark will provide support and feedback at each stage of the process.
During the concluding weeks of this module, time is set aside for participants to move through a series of reflection and journaling questions while completing their final drawings.
What to expect
Two of the keys to happiness are: (1) to have realistic expectations to begin with; and (2) not to be too attached to those expectations, but rather to stay flexible as life unfolds. With that in mind, here are some of the things participants should expect (while remembering to keep a flexible attitude):
Full-time programme focus: This programme is called ‘immersive’ because the point is to be completely focused on the programme. While there will be some time for rest, reading/journaling, and personal reflection, there won’t be time for activities unrelated to the programme. While you’re here, the expectation is that your full attention will be focused on the programme experience from start to finish.
Plenty of physical work: Most of the work to be done is physical, and some of it requires physical endurance, so it’s best to be prepared both physically and psychologically for a lot of hard work. One key to happiness here is to keep a very positive and enthusiastic attitude about the work, knowing that you’re making the world a better place in a small way, which makes it a joy.
Supportive routine: A daily rhythm of contemplative practice, outdoor activities, discussions, and silent meditation time.
Natural simplicity: Rustic accommodations in natural earthen buildings or comfortable tents in a beautiful forest setting.
Yogic lifestyle: Clean and simple ashram-style lifestyle in which everyone contributes to the running of the place, including cleaning, washing dishes, etc. No smoking or intoxicants.
Life on campus: To support all participants to get the most out of the programme, it is designed so that all the time will be spent on Dharmalaya’s beautiful six-acre campus. Accordingly, participants should plan to remain on campus for the duration of the programme and be fully present for the community experience.
Healthy food: Natural and mostly organic, purely vegetarian meals (100% plant-based, vegan). No junk food or packaged snacks, etc.
Digital detox: There will be no use of mobile phones or internet from 9-5 or during evening sessions so that everyone stays focused on the group tasks, and present with one another — and with our own experience. For those who are normally glued to your phones, it may take some adjustment at first but soon you’ll be amazed how much better you feel engaging with nature and good work with good people rather than the screen.
Campus life and the experience of living in community
Most of our past long-term participants tell us that experience of being a part of the Dharmalaya community, living and working together, is one of the best parts of the experience for them.
We emphasize a culture of kindness and cooperation rather than selfishness and competition, and it’s great to live with kindred spirits in that kind of atmosphere.
Dharmalaya maintains an environment in which everyone is supported to learn and grow in this way, and this kind of learning truly changes lives for the better, because few lessons are more valuable than those that help us understand ourselves and others better and learn to relate with others more sensitively and skilfully.
So one thing to understand is that learning to be a healthy part of a healthy community is one of the most important aspects of all of our residential programmes — and of compassionate living more generally — so that kind of inner work and social evolution should be something that appeals to you strongly if you’re thinking of applying for this programme.
We’ll be spending a good bit of time talking about it and asking you to self-reflect, journal, and share with others about your experiences, which benefits everyone.
Schedules & dates
Start and end dates
The programme will begin at 9:00am on 25th November, 2024. All newly arriving participants will be required to arrive sometime between 8:30am and 8:45am on the 25th itself (we will provide detailed timing, instructions, and travel tips after confirming your registration). Note that it is not possible to arrive at Dharmalaya on a Sunday, so if you arrive in Bir before the 25th, you would need to stay at a hotel or guest house in Bir until the morning of the 25th and then leave Bir between 8:00 and 8:15 am on the 25th in order to reach Dharmalaya at the correct time.
The programme will conclude at 3:30pm on the last day. Participants who are leaving after the programme should plan to depart between 3:45pm and 4:30pm.
Participants who complete this programme successfully may apply to remain longer as a volunteer (with reduced fees starting after the end of the fourth month - see below for details).
Daily schedule: What will the days be like?
Although the day-to-day schedule will vary a bit, the schedule for a typical day during this programme would more or less as follows:
6:00 Wake
6:30 Morning practice (meditation/yoga)
9:00 Morning work session (or learning activity)
12:30 LUNCH
1:30 Afternoon work session (or learning activity)
5:00 Personal time
7:00 Evening activity or personal time (various depending on situation)
9:30 Lights out, silent time until breakfast
Programme fee
Dharmalaya Institute is a not-for-profit charitable and educational organisation, and as such seeks to make its programmes accessible everyone. Recognizing that our participants come from diverse backgrounds, we are providing a sliding scale with three tiers, to make it possible for each participant to give according to their means.
Total fees for this ten-week workshop-retreat (inclusive of shared accommodation, three healthy meals daily, and tea), at each of the three tiers are as follows:
Standard rate
(For most participants)
Rs 8400 per week
x10 weeks
+Rs 2500 materials fee
= Rs 86,500 total
For transparency: This standard rate is essentially a break-even rate, just enough to cover the Institute’s total average monthly costs in providing this service-learning opportunity.
Subsidized rate
(For low-income participants who can’t afford the standard rate)
Rs 5600 per week
+Rs 2500 materials fee
= Rs 58,500 total
For transparency: This subsidized rate is approximately 33% below our break-even rate, which means it is not enough to cover the Institute’s costs in providing the programme, though that shortfall might be covered by participants who choose to pay the ‘Supporter rate’ to the right.
Supporter rate
(For those who can afford to help subsidize lower-income participants)
Rs 11,200 per week
x10 weeks
+Rs 2500 materials fee
= Rs 114,500 total
For transparency: This supporter rate is approximately 33% above the break-even rate, and 100% of that surplus will be used to support lower-income applicants to participate at the subsidized rate. We thank you sincerely for your generosity in choosing this rate if you can.
We do not want cost to be a barrier to anyone’s participation, so if you have exceptional financial hardship and cannot afford even the lowest subsidized rate, you can contact us to let us know your situation and your needs.
Note that advance deposit of at least 50% is required to secure one’s place in the programme, and deposits are nonrefundable because the funds received before the program will be spent on food provisions and supplies well before the programme begins.
For those who might wish to gain additional experience by staying on after the formal programme ends (subject to available space and acceptance of application), there would be an additional daily fee for each day after 1st February 2025, for which the sliding scale is as follows: Rs 1200/day standard rate; Rs 800/day subsidized rate; and Rs 1600/day supporter rate.
For those who stay as a volunteer beyond four months, there will be the opportunity for a reduced work-study rate of Rs 25,000 per month (including all meals and shared accommodation) beginning with your fifth month, in exchange for taking on a few responsibilities to help with the work of the Institute. And for those who stay six months or longer (or who have extraordinary financial hardship) will qualify to apply for work-study scholarships (subject to availability) to cover between 50% and 100% of the cost of your room and board.
About the instructors & facilitators
This module will be instructed and facilitated by Dharmalaya Institute’s faculty and artisans, with additional contributions from Dharmalaya Institute’s long-term community.
The primary instructors for the design and theory aspects will be our senior design and architecture faculty, Daphne Charles and Mark Moore, who will be joining remotely via regularly scheduled online sessions.
The primary instructor for the on-site, hands-on aspects will be Shiv Raj, one of the senior carpenters trained by Didi Contractor, who has worked with Dharmalaya Institute since 2010.
Application process
The application process is designed to help identify applicants who are best matched with the programme.
STEP 1 — APPLY: Submit the application form below and wait for our reply. We may email you to ask follow-up questions if necessary.
STEP 2 — INTERVIEW: If your application is selected for the shortlist, the next step will be for us to schedule a time for an interview on a video call. During this interview, you’ll have the chance to ask whatever questions you might have, and we’ll have a chance to get to know you a bit better. If necessary, there might be a second video interview for final candidates.
STEP 3 — ACCEPTANCE & DEPOSIT: If you are selected for the programme after your video interview, then at that time we will send you more detailed information about the programme and how to prepare for your time at Dharmalaya Institute. You will then have one week from the date of acceptance to make your nonrefundable deposit to hold your place in the programme. The minimum deposit is 50%, but it is also possible to prepay in full.
If you have any questions after reading all the material here on our website, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to address your questions.
We look forward to connecting with you!