Put your gifts to good use and experience the joy of offering selfless service to the greater good.


  • Give your time to support a meaningful charitable project

  • Get a taste of the theory and practice of sustainability

  • Practice compassionate living

  • Supportive community

  • Healthy food & lifestyle

  • Learn by doing meaningful work

Volunteering & service-learning

We volunteer because we care.

The opportunity to offer some small, humble service to something greater than ourselves brings meaning to our lives. The essence of volunteering is selfless service (seva in Hindi, and karma yoga in the traditions of the Himalayas).

‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.’

— M.K. Gandhi

Core values of volunteering


A great volunteer’s attitude is, ‘I’m here to help, so I’m happy to do whatever is needed’.

Non-harming (ahimsa)

Striving to recognize and reduce our harm footprint across all spheres of life

Compassion (karuna)

Caring for all beings and working to relieve suffering in whatever ways we can

Loving-kindness (maitri/metta)

Working to bring joy, warmth, and support to beings in whatever ways we can.

Unselfish service as ‘meditation in action’ (karma yoga)

Giving ourselves joyfully into tasks that are helpful for the common good without wishing for return or personal gain.

Contemplative service learning

Wouldn’t it be ideal if we also were able to learn and grow while we serve?

This is the idea behind what we call ‘contemplative service learning’, which means learning by doing something meaningful and useful to others, and reflecting on the experience so that we get the most out of it for our own evolution. Dharmalaya Institute provides several kinds of opportunities for sincere volunteers to do meaningful service, most of which include a service-learning component.


Volunteer opportunities

Short-term volunteering


varies by programme


Workshop-retreats with service work activities

Dharmalaya’s workshop-retreat hybrid programmes blend mindfulness and meditation with relaxed and joyful volunteer service work doing various activities related to sustainable living, such as earthen construction, organic gardening, natural landscaping, etc. This is a great way to do volunteer work for a short time.

Post-workshop practicum periods

Some of Dharmalaya Institute’s workshops are followed by optional practicum periods in which workshop participants may opt to remain longer to deepen their understanding and improve their skills by working on a voluntary basis alongside our local team of artisans. These practicum periods are open only to those who have completed the workshop.


Compassion in Action programme


The Compassion In Action Programme is a long-term, residential service-learning immersion designed to provide a supportive environment for caring contemplatives to take a deeper dive into the possibilities of compassionate, sustainable, and sensible living, integrating the outer work (improving our world) with the inner work (improving ourselves) through mindful volunteer work.


4 months minimum commitment

Help wanted: Skill-specific volunteer positions


Full-time Organic Gardener/Permaculturalist

Do you have experience with organic gardening or with permaculture projects? Does the idea of helping to develop the organic food forest and garden beds of our Himalayan eco-campus appeal to you? If so, this volunteer position might be a perfect match. Minimum time commitment is six months (exceptions can be made for experienced foreign volunteers on shorter visas).

Management Team Volunteers

A limited number of long-term positions for skilled volunteers willing and able to take responsibility for a specific aspect of Dharmalaya’s work or life on campus. For example, project management, work supervision, hospitality, office work, etc. Minimum time commitment for management positions is six months, with longer commitments being preferred. Trial period required.


6 months minimum commitment